We present an enzyme-and immuno-cytochemical, and ultrastructural characterization of trout thymic nurse cells (TNCs). Our data suggest that isolated trout thymic multicellular complexes are epithelial cells with acidic compartments that may be involved in the processing of antigens and in the generation of the MHC-II proteins that these cell express, and also that isolated (Gerdes et al., 1983;Manconi et al., 1984;Wick and Oberhuber, 1986;Tsunoda and Kojima, 1987). The epithelial nature of TNCs was established by the presence of keratin bundles (Vakharia, 1983;de Waal Malefijt et al., 1986;Toussaint-Demylle et al., 1993), whereas thymocytes within TNCs are mainly immature double-positive CD4 CD8 cells (Ritter et al., 1981;Kyewski and Kaplan, 1982;Van Vliet et al., 1984;Kyewski et al., 1987), although some authors have reported more mature cells in the complexes *Corresponding author. (Vakharia, 1983;Hugo et al., 1988) and others also include double-negative CD4-CD8-cells (Singer et al., 1986;Kyewski, 1986;Wood et al., 1988).Although TNCs have repeatedly been claimed to play a decisive role in T-cell maturation, their true functional significance is a matter of discussion. They have been involved in the establishment of positive (Farr and Anderson, 1985;Kyewski, 1986;Owen et al., 1986;Ron et al., 1986) and negative selection (Wick and Oberhuber, 1986;Lorenz and Allen, 1989;Speiser et al., 1992), although their formation is not dependent on TCR-MHC interaction (Boyd et al., 1993;Aguilar et al., 1994 between the epithelial cells and thymocytes (Pulsford et al., 1991;lvarez, 1993), whereas thymocyte-macrophage complexes have been reported in both elasmobranches (Pulsford et al., 1984;Navarro, 1987) and teleosts (Finge and Pulsford, 1985).In this paper, we report for the first time the in vitro isolation of TNCs from the adult trout thymus, analyzing their cytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics and their presumptive relationships with thymocyte-epithelial-cell complexes observed in situ.
Light MicroscopyIsolated lymphoid-epithelial-cell complexes appeared as large round cells with a regular outline containing I to 11 (average 3 to 4) round lymphocytic nuclei. The nuclei of the epithelial cells were irregular in shape, eccentric, and poorly stained (Fig. 1).
Enzyme-and Immuno-Cytochemical AnalysisEnzyme-Cytochemical Analysis The lymphoid-epithelial-cell complexes showed ACPH (Fig. 2), AKPH (Fig. 3), and ANAE (Fig. 4 (Fig. 11). Their cytoplasm contained microfilaments, elements of the Golgi apparatus, profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, a few electron-dense vesicles, as well as numerous vesicles with a heterogeneous electron-pale content (Fig. 11). The nucleus, irregular in shape, was moderately heterochromatic, with a prominent nucleolus. Engulfed thymocytes frequently appeared in the epithelial cytoplasm in close contact with pale vesicles (Fig. 11). On the other hand, pale epithelial cells had euchromatic nuclei and ovoid electron-lucent cytoplasm. They contained free ribosomes, mitochon...