The fatty acid esters of 3-(N-phenylamino)propane-1,2-diol (PAP) are biomarkers of toxic oil batches that caused toxic oil syndrome (TOS), an intoxication that caused over 400 deaths and affected 20,000 people in Spain in 1981. PAP esters are converted into PAP by human pancreatic lipase. The in vivo biotransformation of PAP in two mouse strains generated potentially toxic metabolites. Here we report an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for PAP detection incorporating antibodies generated using PAP-hapten derivatives 1 and 2. The immunizing haptens were designed to recognize the phenylamino and hydroxymethylene moieties of the PAP structure. The antisera raised against 1-HCH showed greater affinity for free PAP, as demonstrated in competitive experiments using either 1-BSA or 2-BSA as coating antigens. The developed ELISA detects PAP at a threshold of 130 μg L(-1) and can be used over a wide range of pH and ionic strength values. The assay can be applied to human urine samples, after a simple treatment method, with good recovery according to the correlation obtained when analyzing blind spiked urine samples.