Previous studies at our laboratory demonstrated that ozone, a ubiquitous air pollutant, was able to induce the liberation of cytokines from alveolar macrophages (AM) in vitro. As the lung cells in the alveoli are lined by surfactant, we exposed to ozone in this study surfactant-coated human (HAM) and bovine (BAM) alveolar macrophages in order to examine isolated cells under conditions that simulate as nearly as possible the in vivo situation in the lung. BAM were incubated with 0.25, 0.5, or 7 ppm ozone for 2 or 4 h in the presence or absence of the synthetic surfactant surrogate Alveofact or dipalmitoyl lecithine (DPL), the major lipid of natural surfactant. lncubations of BAM with Alveofact led, for I ppm ozone, to a significant suppression of the ozone-induced liberation of tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a) and Mac-ChF, a chemotactic factor for macrophages, and DPf also reduced significantly the ozone-elicited Mac-ChF release when 0.5 ppm ozone was tested. When we exposed BAM to a combination of 1 ppm ozone and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the Mac-ChF release was not more than additive, but DPf coating of the cells reduced, in spite of ozone treatment, the Mac-ChF liberation down to the level that had been observed with fPS alone. HAM were obtained from a patient with chronic obstructive bronchitis and showed a high spontaneous TNFa secretion, an observation that in one case was also made for BAM. However, pretreatment of the cell cultures with Alveofact (BAM) or DPL (HAM) reduced these basal secretions of J N F a (BAM and HAM) and Mac-ChF (BAM) significantly. As had already been demonstrated for BAM, DPL was also capable of inhibiting ozone-induced T N F a release from HAM. Taken together, the data of this in vitro study showed that the surfactant substitutes Alveofact and DPf are able to reduce the concentration of J N F a and of the chemoattractant Mac-ChF in the culture medium. Additionally, high spontaneous cytokine levels from both HAM and BAM were reduced by surfactant coating of the cells. It cannot yet be decided whether these effects are due to mere "mechanica 1' ' protection, downregulation of secretion, or interaction of released cytokines with surfactant.