Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae), normally acknowledged as hog plum and locally called "ijikara" in Igbo (Igbo is a language spoken by tens of millions in Nigeria), is a deciduous vertical tree that is 15-20 m tall with a stem size of 60 to 75 cm wide-range. The plant is found in tropical America, West Indies and has remained adapted in states of Africa, including Nigeria and some parts of Asia. 1,2 This is utilized traditionally for the management of several diseases. The leaves are helpful in the cure of bacterial contagions, prevention and inhibition of the progression of viral contagions, management of Candida contagions, and for expulsion of parasites like the abdominal worms. They are also utilized for the reduction of seizures and nervousness, demurring and discharging pain, subduing cough, aiding digestion and stimulating the uterus. 1 The bark is essential in the reduction of inflammation and spasms, healing of and wounds and rashes, stoppage of bleeding, relieving pains, eradicating bacteria and fungi. It also serves as a contraceptive. 1,3 Aqueous ethanol leaf extract of S. mombin was reported to exhibit anti-conceptive property as a result of the extract activity on the uterus. 1,3