Lifestyle diseases are the diseases caused due to our mode of living, unhealthy diets such as junk and fast food, the alcoholism, and other drug habits. Developing habit of late sleeping and late awaking, using fatty food proportionate to physical exercise through nature of working and maximum sitting for work causing blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, hypertension causing cardiac arrest. Regular exercise, pranayama and yogasana plays a vital role for this management. Besides, herbal drugs are also useful the management of the lifestyle diseases. Seeking out this an exploration of herbs related with the formulation of medicines and tradition use of medicines described in different herbal system of medicines have been made in the Gangetic areas in West Bengal from Rajmahal hill to Gangasagar. During the course of exploration, 34 plants were found being used in different herbal medical systems or having the properties and having the chemical alkaloids and pharmacological properties are mentioned in this paper.