The type of regimen used might result in mobilization of phenotypically and functionally different CD34(+) cells. We compared the phenotype of CD34(+) cells in leukapheresis products of three homogeneous groups: I, healthy individuals treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) alone (n = 13); II, patients mobilized with G-CSF following chemotherapy (n = 16); and III, patients mobilized with G-CSF after high-dose chemotherapeutic pretreatment (n = 24). Multiparameter flow cytometry was performed for CD34(+) subpopulation analysis and focused on adhesion molecules, differentiation markers and megakaryocytic markers relevant for stem cell homing, with special reference to the importance of L-selectin expression. Regimens I and II led to higher numbers of mobilized CD34(+) cells (mean 468 x 10(6) and 491 x 10(6) CD34(+) cells per leukapheresis procedure respectively) than regimen III (mean 41 x 10(6) CD34(+) cells per leukapheresis procedure). Both the expression of L-selectin and CD54 on CD34(+) cells was significantly lower in group III, as was the percentage of megakaryocytic (CD41(+)) progenitors. A higher percentage of primitive (CD38(-) and/or HLA(-)DR(-)) CD34(+) cells was found in group III, correlating with a higher clonogenicity of the CD34(+) cells. However, when comparing the CD34(+)_ subpopulations that were also positive for L-selectin, there was no significant difference between the three regimens. A similar approach for the megakaryocytic CD34+ population resulted in an even worse quality of regimen III: 5.1% of CD34(+) being CD41(+)/L-selectin(+) compared with 9.2% and 8.9% in regimens I and II respectively. We concluded that the phenotypes of the CD34(+) cells in the G-CSF (group I) and G-CSF-chemotherapy (group II) regimens are similar, whereas the phenotype of the CD34(+) cells mobilized in the high-dose regimen (group III) displayed features that might negatively influence homing of the cells. Future studies will be directed towards regimens that will lead to the mobilization of a higher amount of CD34(+) cells with a phenotypically favourable phenotype.