Infusões dos caules de Picrolemma sprucei (pseudônimo: P. pseudocoffea) são principalmente utilizadas como antimaláricos em toda região amazônica. Desta espécie foram isolados os quassinoides isobruceína B e neosergeolida, os quais apresentam atividade antimalárica e citotóxica. Neste estudo, apresentamos o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia analítica por LC-(+)-ESI-MS/ MS visando a determinação dos principais quassinoides desta espécie. O método desenvolvido foi empregado para análise de uma formulação artesanal (infusão de 1 g de matéria seca -caules pulverizados de P. sprucei em 1 L de água fervente). Padrões previamente isolados de isobruceína B e neosergeolida foram utilizados para a determinação da linearidade na faixa de calibração entre 0,25 to 5 µg mL -1 e 0,5 a 10 µg mL -1 , respectivamente. Como padrão interno foi utilizada a substância fluoroglucinol na concentração de 4,0 µg mL -1 . Ambos os compostos apresentaram boa linearidade, precisão e exatidão e as concentrações de isobruceína B e neosergeolida obtidas nas infusões foram de 60,1 e 774 µg L -1 , respectivamente.Infusions of the stems of Picrolemma sprucei (pseudonym: P. pseudocoffea) are used in the Amazon regions of Peru, Brazil and French Guiana as antimalarials among other uses. They contain the bitter quassinoids isobrucein B (1) and neosergeolide (2) that have important antimalarial and toxic properties among others. In this study, an LC-(+)-ESI-MS/MS method was developed and applied to the determination of 1 and 2 in a common remedy prepared by infusing 1 g of dry, powdered stems of P. sprucei in 1 L of boiling water. Isolated 1 and 2 were used in calibration ranges of 0.25 to 5 µg mL -1 and 0.5 to 10 µg mL -1 , respectively, with the internal standard phloroglucinol at 4.0 µg mL -1 . Good linearity, precision and accuracy were observed for both compounds. The concentrations of 1 and 2 in the stem infusions were found to be 60.1 and 774 µg L -1 , respectively. Recently, P. sprucei has been the subject of several studies whose results in general lend support to its uses in traditional medicine. For example, leaf and stem infusions and other extracts have been shown to possess in vitro antihelminthic activity. 8 Also, an ethnopharmacological study in French Guiana showed that alcohol extracts of P. sprucei root, stem and bark are used in local traditional medicine as a curative treatment for malaria in association with Geissospermum spp. (Apocynaceae) and Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae) or modern drugs. 5 In a subsequent study, Bertani et al. 9 demonstrated that a P. sprucei water extract can inhibit hemozoin formation and in vitro assays demonstrated the antimalarial activity of this extract against the chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strain W2. In the western Brazilian Amazon, dried stems are commonly commercialized in local marketplaces by traditional healers or raizeiros and are typically used in the preparation of infusions for oral ingestion.
KeywordsInfusions of P. sprucei contain the quassinoids isobrucein B (1) and neos...