Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 is the producer of a novel bacteriocin termed acidocin D20079. In this paper, a partial sequence of this peptide is determined, together with data on its secondary structure. A modification of the MRS-growth medium (replacing the detergent Tween 80 with oleic acid), was shown to improve the production level of the peptide by one order of magnitude, as well as to stabilize the activity level. Addition of a detergent (Tween 20, less interfering in mass spectrometric analysis), was however necessary for solubilization of the purified acidocin D20079. Digestion of the peptide followed by de-novo sequencing of generated fragments, allowed determination of a partial sequence consisting of 39 of the totally estimated 65 residues. Acidocin D20079 has a high content of glycine residues, hydrophobic residues, and acidic residues. No modified amino acids were found. Edman degradation, and C-terminal sequencing failed, suggesting that the peptide may be cyclic, and a novel member of class IIc bacteriocins.Circular dichroism spectroscopy and secondary structure prediction showed random coil conformation in aqueous solution, but secondary structure was induced in the presence of sodium-dodecyl sulfate. The data could be fitted assuming 2-13% of the residues to be in a-helix and 23-27% of the residues to be in b-strand conformation. This indicates that a membrane/membrane-mimicking hydrocarbon-water interface induces an active conformation.