To conserve Alnus nitida species a micropropagation technique was developed using shoot apices/nodal stem segments as starting material for establishment of axenic shoot cultures on cytokinin supplemented MS medium. The established shoots were transformed into multiple shoot cultures on a multiplication medium consisting of MS/B5 medium augmented with a combination of BA/Kn (2.5-10 µM) and IAA/NAA/IBA (2 µM). A combination of BA (5 µM) and NAA (2 µM) in MS medium lead to formation of a maximum 32.2±0.6 shoots/explant after 8 weeks culture period. The sufficiently elongated microshoots were later on rooted on an auxin enriched half strength MS medium. The microplants were demonstrated to show 70% survival upon being transferred to small pots containing vermiculite sand mixture.