Mutagenic nitroaromatic compounds have recently been found in photocopies, urban atmosphere, automobile exhaust and wastewater. 1-Nitropyrene (I-NP) is readily formed when pyrene, ubiquitous in the environment, is exposed to nitrogen dioxide in the urban atmosphere or in automobile exhaust, and is highly mutagenic, inducing 449 hisr revertants/plate/nmol from Salmonella typhimurium strain T A98 in the absence of 89 fraction in the Salmonella-microsome test. It is possible to swallow sputum or some food containing I-NP and it would come into contact with the normal bacterial flora. We determined the I-NP nitroreductase activity in environmental and laboratory bacterial strains. We found that the mutagenicity of I-NP mixed with the feces of a healthy man or a culture of anaerobic bacteria was decreased. The product proved to be I-aminopyrene (I-AP), based on its fluorescence spectrum, its mass spectrum, and its characteristic thin layer chromatographic and high performance liquid chromatographic patterns. The I-NP nitroreductase activity of aerobic bacteria was low, but crude extracts from the anaerobic bacteria, i.e., Bacteroidesfragilis, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. oulgatus, Fusobacterium mortiferum, F. nucleatum, Clostridium perfringens, C.
sporogenes, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, B. bifidum, Eubacterium lentum, E. limosum, andPeptostreptococcus anaerobius, all easily converted I-NP to I-AP and proportionally decreased the mutagenic activity of I-NP.A simple method for identifying chemical mutagens has been developed: the Ames test (I) measures back mutation in several specially constructed mutants of Salmonella typhimurium his-strains. A homogenate of rat liver 89 fraction is added to the Ames test to approximate mammalian metabolism.I-Nitropyrene (l-NP) is a nitroaromatic compound that is highly mutagenic in the Ames test. One nanomol of I-NP induces 484 hisr revertants/plate from S. typhimurium tester strain T A98 in the absence of 89 mix (21). Moreover, 1,8-dinitropyrene induces 72,900 hisr revertants/plate/nmol from strain TA98 (21). I-NP is more mutagenic than representative carcinogens and mutagens; for example, 2-nitronaphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene induce 8.7 and 121 hist revertants/plate/ nmol, respectively (20). I-NP is also carcinogenic in rats (26).I-NP has recently been detected in photocopies, airborne particles, automobile 993