A bstractThe hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polym erase, NS5B protein, is the key viral enzym e responsible for replication of the HCV viral RNA genom e. Although several full-length and truncated form s of the HCV NS5B proteins have been expressed previously in insect cells, contam ination of host term inal transferase (TNTase) has ham pered analysis of the RNA synthesis initiation m echanism using natural HCV RNA tem plates. W e have expressed the HCV NS5B protein in insect cells using a recom binant baculovirus and purified it to near hom ogeneity w ithout contam inated TNTase. The highly purified recom binant HCV NS5B w as capable of copying 9.6-kb full-length HCV RNA tem plate, and m ini-HCV RNA carrying both 5'-and 3'-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the HCV genom e. In the absence of a prim er, and other cellular and viral factors, the NS5B could elongate over HCV RNA tem plates, but the synthesized products were prim arily in the double stranded form , indicating that no cyclic replication occurred with NS5B alone. RNA synthesis using RNA tem plates representing the 3'-end region of HCV m inus-strand RNA and the X-RNA at the 3'-end of HCV RNA genom e w as also initiated de novo. N o form ation of dim er-size self-prim ed RNA products resulting from extension of the 3'-end hydroxyl group w as observed. Despite the internal de novo initiation from the X-RNA, the NS5B could not initiate RNA synthesis from the internal region of oligouridylic acid (U)20, suggesting that HCV RNA polym erase initiates RNA synthesis from the selected region in the 3'-UTR of HCV genom e.