Bogaert,C.,Gomez,L.andJouany,J. P. l991.Effectsof lasalocidandcationomycinonthedigestioi of plant cell walls in sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 7l: [379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388]. The effect of lasalocid and cationomycin on plant cell wall digestion was tested in a Latin square design experiment over-three oeriods on six adult sheep fed three diets: a control diet (T) without antibiotics, a diet (L) with 33 mg lg-' of lasalocid, and a diet (C) with 33 mg kg-r of cationomycin. The dry matter and plant cell wall digestibilities were not affected by the addiiion of antibiotics. The digestive flow measurements at the duodenum showed that the antibiotic had no effect on the apparent digestion of dry matter, organic matter and plant cell walls along the digestive tract. This was confirmed by the in sacco feed and pure cellulose rurnen degradation measuremints. Lasalocid, however, decreased the true digestion of f.eed dry matter in the ruien, as shown by the duodenai flow measurements after being corrected for microbial dry matter. Compared with the control diet, diets (L) al. 1989b). However, when studied in vivo, monensin and lasalocid have no effect on plant cell-wall degradation in the rumen, although rumen fermentation is modified as in vitro (Faulkner et al. 1985; Beever et al. 1987;Zinn 1987 vFeed nitrogen degradability, determined by the method described by Jouany and Thivend (1986 (5 x 100 mm).The bags were attached to teflon rods and were quickly dipped into water before being introduced into the rumen. The teflon rods were fixed to the cannula by a 30-cm string. On removal, the bags were rapidly rinsed in cold water, gently pressed, and stored at -20"C. At the end of the experiment they were thawed and then rinsed in a manual washing machine, with successive washings of 2 min until the water ran clear.The remaining times in the rumen were 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h for feed (T), (L), (C), and 24 h for cellulose.
ANALYSISThe DM contents were determined after heating t48 h at 80'Cr for feed and nylon bag residues. and after freeze-drying for faeces and digestive contents collected from the duodenum and ileum. Organic matter (OM) content was determined by