Plastids are unique plant organelles that exist in several different forms. Plastids are dynamic and can convert between types by external and developmental signals. The most common plastid type is the chloroplast responsible for photosynthesis in land plants, algae and some protists. All living things depend on energy produced from photosynthesis. Moreover, chloroplasts carry out other essential biochemical processes, including starch, amino acids, fatty acids and pigments synthesis, nitrogen and sulfate assimilation, hormone synthesis and various secondary metabolism. Not only plants but also human life is dependent on these important products from plastids.Plastids are known to have originated from prokaryotic photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Consequently plastids are semi-autonomous and contain their own genetic system. In higher plants, plastids contain a small prokaryotic-type genome which encodes ϳ120 genes. Higher plant plastids contain two types of RNA polymerases, eubacterial-type PEP (plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase) and phage-type NEP (nuclearencoded plastid RNA polymerase) (Hess and Börner, 1999). In order to recognize promoters, PEP requires an exchangeable subunit, sigma factor. In bacteria, a variety of sigma factors specifically recognize different promoter sequences. The sigma factor determines which genes are transcribed. Higher plants also encode multiple sigma factor genes (Kanamaru and Tanaka, 2004). Recent molecular and genetic analyses revealed the roles of plastid sigma factors in chloroplast differentiation and environmental responses. In this review, we summarize plastid transcription and its regulation in higher plants, focused on plastid sigma factors.
Plastid genomesPlastids have evolved from ancestral photosynthetic cyanobacteria, which were taken into the host cells as endosymbionts. It is believed that chloroplasts are monophyletic, with one primary endosymbiosis. Thus, plastids retain a lot of typical cyanobacterial features such as circular genome of 100-200 kbp and prokaryotictype gene expression system. During plant cell evolution, a large fraction of the original endosymbiont genes has either been lost or transferred to the nucleus. In consequence, the higher plant plastomes contain a limited number of conserved genes. For example, Arabidopsis chloroplast genome encodes only 129 genes, including 47 photosynthesis-related genes, 25 ribosomal genes, four RNA polymerase subunit genes, nine other protein coding genes (total 85 protein genes), 34 tRNA genes and 4 rRNA genes (Sato et al. 1999). On the other hand, chloroplast is believed to contain more than 3,000 proteins. Recent proteome analysis identified 1325 proteins in chloroplasts (Zybailov et al. 2008). More than 90% of them are encoded on nuclear DNA, synthesized in cytosol and transported into chloroplasts. Consequently, chloroplast function is largely dependent on the nuclei via nuclear-encoded proteins. It should be noted that DNA transfer from plastids to the nucleus is
Function and evolution of plastid sigma fact...