A preparation of adenovirus 4, containing infectious S V40 genetic material enclosed within adenovirus coats (Ad. 4-S V40 hybrid), induced both transformation of newborn hamster kidney cells in vitro and tumors in neonatally inoculated
-SV40 hybrid viruses, who found that genetic material from nononcogenic adenoviruses can be introduced into tumors and transformed cells by these hybrids. The crossreaction with cells infected with Ad. 7 provides additional evidence for a relationship between Ad. 4 and the B subgroup of oncogenic adenoviruses.Previous reports (Black and White, 1967;Black et al., 1967; have shown that both simian virus 40 (SV40) and adenovirus (Ad.) genetic material are present in cells transformed in vitro and in vivo by populations of nononcogenic adenoviruses containing hybrids with infectious SV40. This was done by the demonstration of both adenovirus and SV40 T antigens in cells transformed by Ad. 1-SV40 and Ad. 2-SV40 hybrid viruses. Hamster tumors induced by inoculation of hamster kidney (HK) cells transformed by the Ad. 2-SV40 hybrid were similar in morphology to tumors induced with SV40-transformed HK cells, but also contained cells intermediate between SV40 and adenovirus tumor cells, and occasionally contained nests of adenovirus-like tumor cells (Igel and Black, 1967).The present studies were performed with a hybrid of adenovirus 4 (which is nononcogenic) and infectious SV40 (Easton and Hiatt, 1965;Easton and Hiatt, 1966). They show that both viral genomes are expressed in neoplastic hamster cells induced by this hybrid, but that tumor morphology is similar to that of neoplasms induced by inoculation of SV40.
Ad. 4-SV40 hybrid virusA strain of Ad. 4 had been contaminated with SV40 during passage in cell cultures of rhesus monkey kidney. Subsequently, the Ad. 4 was grown in the presence of antiserum to SV40, but SV40 could not be eliminated. The eighth passage in antiserum was used in these experiments, and has been described previously (Easton and Hiatt, 1966); it was made in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Goat antiserum, having a titer of 1:20,000 against 100 TCID,, of SV40, was present in a concentration of 1 :250. The concentra-