Background: Administering isoflurane 2.5% into the oxygenator during cardiopulmonary bypass results in no patient movement. However, doing so may result in an excessive depth of anaesthesia particularly, when hypothermia is induced. Bispectral index and arterial blood and oxygenator exhaust concentrations of volatile anaesthetics should be related to depth of anaesthesia. The primary aim of this study was to measure the depth of anaesthesia using bispectral index, resulting from administering isoflurane 2.5% into the oxygenator during cardiopulmonary bypass, and secondary aims were to examine the relationships between blood and oxygenator exhaust isoflurane concentrations and bispectral index. Methods: Arterial and mixed-venous blood samples were aspirated at three time points during cardiopulmonary bypass and measured for isoflurane concentration using mass spectrometry. Simultaneously, oxygenator exhaust isoflurane concentration, nasopharyngeal temperature and bispectral index were recorded. Results: When averaged across the three time points, all patients had a bispectral index score below 40 (binomial test, p < 0.001). There were no significant correlations between bispectral index score and arterial or mixed-venous blood isoflurane concentrations (r = –0.082, p = 0.715; r = –0.036, p = 0.874) and oxygenator exhaust gas concentration of isoflurane (r = –0.369, p = 0.091). Conclusion: When 2.5% isoflurane was administered into the sweep gas supply to the oxygenator during cardiopulmonary bypass, all patients experienced a bispectral index score less than 40 and no significant relationship was found between either arterial or mixed-venous blood or oxygenator exhaust concentrations of isoflurane and bispectral index.