The term “in vivo (“in the living”) chemistry” refers to chemical reactions that take place in a complex living system such as cells, tissue, body liquids, or even in an entire organism. In contrast, reactions that occur generally outside living organisms in an artificial environment (e.g., in a test tube) are referred to as in vitro. Over the past decades, significant contributions have been made in this rapidly growing field of in vivo chemistry, but it is still not fully understood, which transformations proceed efficiently without the formation of by‐products or how product formation in such complex environments can be characterized. Potential applications can be imagined that synthesize drug molecules directly within the cell or confer new cellular functions through controlled chemical transformations that will improve the understanding of living systems and develop new therapeutic strategies. The guiding principles of this contribution are twofold: 1) Which chemical reactions can be translated from the laboratory to the living system? 2) Which characterization methods are suitable for studying reactions and structure formation in complex living environments?