The study was performed to determine the performance of ginger, garlic, neem and ivermectin on the ticks. For that purpose, 12 male buffalo calves were selected, which were divided in four groups in A, B, C and D, each group contained 3 animals. The data was collected on 3 rd , 8 th , 15 th and 21 st day, respectively. The effectiveness of ivermectin on 3 rd day found (25.92%), 8 th (37.03%), 15 th (92.6%) and 21 st day found (100%) whereas, neem seed extract was observed on 3 rd day found (55.81%), 8 th (48.83%), 15 th (41.86%) and on 21 st day (46.51%) thus, ginger extract 3 rd day found (63.46%), 8 th (51.92%), 15 th (51.92) and 21 st day (61.54%), and garlic extract on 3 rd day found (32.61%), 8 th (39.13%), 15 th (36.96%) and 21 st day (30.43%), respectively. It was concluded from the comparative effect of the ethno plant extracts and ivermectin on ticks' interaction that in total extract the ginger found more potent followed by neemseed extract and garlic but their effect was prolonged effect and 100% result was achieved through the ivermectin hence, it is recommended for the tick infestation and treatment.