Editorial Note: With this issue we introduce a new feature of the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research entitled, "Key References in Biomaterials." Our purpose is to provide carefully selected references on timely and important subjects to permit the reader to explore the topic in depth. The editors recognize the increasingly difficult task of information exchange in science and technology, in general, and in biomaterials, with its interdisciplinary biologicall physical interfaces, in particular. I have askedDr. Frederick 7. Schoen to coordinate this section. He will invite various individuals to compile references on subjects in which they have special expertise. Often, the nature of the subject matter will require that these lists be assembled by several collaborating individuals, each of a different discipline. Space limitations necessitate selectivity, so that no inference should be drawn if an article is not cited. The objective is a unique, organized, and readily usable scheme for each topic which represents the historical and conceptual development of a subject as well as the state-of-the-art. W e hope that you will find these key references useful, and we welcome suggestions.
I. DISEASES OF THE NATURAL HEART VALVES: PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL ASPECTSBraunwald, E. Mitral Regurgitation. Physiologic, Clinical and Surgical Considerations, N. Engl.