The unique and remarkable physicochemical properties of protein surface topologies give rise to highly specific biomolecular interactions, which form the framework through which living systems are able to carry out their vast array of functions. Technological limitations undermine efforts to probe protein structures and interactions within unperturbed living systems on a large scale. Rapid chemical stabilization of proteins and protein complexes through chemical cross-linking offers the alluring possibility to study details of the protein structure to function relationships as they exist within living cells. Here we apply the latest technological advances in chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry to study protein topologies and interactions from living human cells identifying a total of 368 cross-links. These include cross-links from all major cellular compartments including membrane, cytosolic and nuclear proteins. Intraprotein and interprotein cross-links were also observed for core histone proteins, including several cross-links containing post-translational modifications which are known histone marks conferring distinct epigenetic functions. Proteins are the principal operatives within cells, involved in carrying out essentially all biological functions. A complex network of intra-and intermolecular interactions, post-translational modifications and abundance levels is required to maintain the delicate balance of function essential for life. Subtle changes within this network can give rise to specific biological responses to environmental factors, onset of disease, normal aging, and other biological processes. Therefore, direct experimental observation of protein structures and interactions in relation to biological function is paramount to improved understanding of living systems.Chemical cross-linking has long been used as a method of fixation to preserve biological samples in the fields of histology and pathology (1). Protein interactions and topologies have also been studied with chemical cross-linking methods for many years (2-4). Chemical cross-linking with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) 1 is emerging as a powerful technology to study protein structures and interactions in complex biological systems (5). Technological advances in chemistry, analytical instrumentation, and informatics are beginning to allow the successful application of XL-MS to study protein topologies and interactions on a large scale in complex biological systems. These methods are able to provide low resolution spatial information on protein topologies through distance constraints imposed by the chemical linker arm distance. The resultant distance constraints are often used to refine crystal structure measurements and to assist de novo structure prediction with molecular modeling techniques (6, 7). Structural information derived through cross-linking experiments is largely complementary to structural information obtained through other techniques including hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, NMR, and x-ray cryst...