The kinetics of the fall in subcutaneous f luid glucose concentration in anesthetized rats (n ؍ 7) after intravenous injection of insulin (0.5 units͞kg) was studied by using 5 ؋ 10 ؊4 cm 2 active area, <150-sec 10-90% response time, amperometric glucose sensors. The onset of the decline in the subcutaneous glucose concentration was delayed and statistically different (P < 0.001) from that in blood (8.9 ؎ 2.1 min vs. 3.3 ؎ 0.5 min). Similarly, the rate of drop in glucose concentration between 6 and 20 min after the insulin injection was different for subcutaneous tissue (3.9 ؎ 1.3 mg⅐dl ؊1 ⅐ min ؊1 ) and blood (6.8 ؎ 2.0 mg⅐dl ؊1 ⅐min ؊1 ) (P ؍ 0.003). The hypoglycemic nadir in subcutaneous f luid occurred 24.5 ؎ 6.8 min after that in the blood (P < 0.001). A ''forward'' masstransfer model, predicting the subcutaneous glucose concentration from the blood glucose concentrations and an ''inverse'' model, predicting the blood glucose concentration from the subcutaneous glucose concentration were derived. By using an algorithm based on the latter, the average discrepancy between the measured blood glucose concentration and that estimated from the subcutaneous measurement through the entire 4-hr experiment was reduced from 22.9% to 11.1% (P ؍ 0.025). The maximum discrepancy during the 40-min period after the injection of insulin was reduced from 84.1% to 29.3% (P ؍ 0.006).We address the avoidance of clinical error in the treatment of diabetes when the glucose concentration is monitored not in the blood but in the subcutaneous interstitial fluid, where amperometric sensors, operating continuously, can be placed. Blood glucose concentrations are well correlated with subcutaneous glucose concentrations at steady-state (1-5). When the blood glucose concentration increases rapidly (3, 4, 6-9) or decreases (7, 9, 10) there is, however, a time lag, resulting in a transient difference between the blood and subcutaneous glucose concentrations. With recently developed 5 ϫ 10 Ϫ4 cm 2 active area, Ͻ150-sec response time flexible glucose electrodes, small enough to be implanted not only subcutaneously but also in the jugular vein of rats, it became possible to continuously and simultaneously track the two concentrations and to better time resolve them (11, 12). Here we report substantial transient differences between the two, large enough to lead to clinical error, after injection of regular insulin. We also show that this transient difference can be modeled and derive an algorithm that corrects for most of the transient difference.
MATERIALS AND METHODSGlucose Electrodes. The electrodes were structurally similar to the earlier reported ones (12). Their 5 ϫ 10 Ϫ4 cm 2 active area had three layers. Of these layers, the ''wired'' glucose oxidase transduction layer and the biocompatible layer were identical with those described in ref. 12. The glucose flux restricting layer however was modified by sequentially filling the 90-m deep, 250-m diameter recess and curing (at room temperature for 20 min) twice with a 1% solu...