“…A further complication to this subject of venereal infection is the fact that some mares are more susceptible to infection than others. The conceot of the susceotible mare stems from work pedormed by Loy, 1969 andKenney et al, 1975; and has furlher expanded the clinical interest into immunology (Asbury et al, 1982;Widders et al, 1984;Cheung et al, 1985;Hansen, 1987, Watson et al, 1987;LeBlanc et al, 1991).Interest in myometrial activity (Taverne et al, 1979;Troedsson et al, 1995) and uterine drainage (fluid accumulation) (LeBlanc, 1994a(LeBlanc, , 1994b has become a recent focus of clinical interest.…”