Background: Healed plaques are identified as a layered pattern with optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, but the exact relationship between healed plaques and the development of significant coronary stenosis in stable angina pectoris (SAP) is not fully understood. Methods and Results: A retrospective clinincal study investigated the OCT characteristics of culprit lesions of SAP patients (n=205), and a prospective study examined the histopathological characteristics of layered plaque in directional coronary atherectomy (DCA) samples (42 samples from 18 SAP patients). In the retrospective study, layered plaque was observed in 36.6% of the SAP culprit lesions. Compared with patients with non-layered plaque, male sex and smoking were more frequent, and HbA1c level was significantly higher in the patients with layered plaque (81.3% vs. 65.9%, P<0.05; 62.7% vs. 41.8%, P<0.05; 6.6±1.3% vs. 6.2±1.0%, P<0.05, respectively). Furthermore, layered plaque was accompanied by higher plaque vulnerability and smaller minimal lumen area. In the histopathological study, the layered plaques had a significantly higher rate of intramural thrombus and macrophages infiltration than non-layered plaques (75.0% vs. 14.3%, P<0.05; 75.0% vs. 38.1%, P<0.05, respectively). Conclusions: Healed plaque containing intramural thrombus is identified as layered plaque by OCT, and was frequently observed, even in SAP patients. Intramural thrombus might play an important role in the development of coronary plaque with a high degree of stenosis in SAP patients.