Current treatments are mostly palliative, focusing on improvement of life quality. [3] New possible drug therapies, for example, proteins, growth factors, and ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) drugs, are proposed to stimulate cardiac regeneration. [4][5][6] These therapies are often injected in or at the border zone of the myocardial infarcted area. However, these injected drugs are rapidly washed away from the pulsatile heart without a delivery system. A wide variety of studies focus on the injection of drugs encapsulated in biomaterials, which can increase the efficacy of encapsulated drugs and improve cardiac function. [7][8][9] There are several drug delivery systems that focus on cardiac repair. [10,11] Nano-and microparticles are a class of materials used for targeted therapies aiming to repair the cardiac muscle, in which therapeutics can be encapsulated. [12,13] Other microparticles aim to mimic cellular-like systems, the so-called cell-mimicking microparticles. Poly(-lactic glycolic acid) (PLGA)-based microparticles, carrying similar secreted proteins as cardiac stem cells (CSCs), were injected to examine their potential to preserve viable myocardium. [8] Microparticles are also being used in the field of theranostics, providing localization in vivo after injection, as well as delivering therapeutics to the site of injection. [14] Other type of microparticles, such as hydrogel micro particles, are used in biomedical applications to deliver cells, drugs, or initiate aggregation at the site of injection to form a microporous scaffold. [15] A high number of studies focus on injectable hydrogels on which the focus will lie mainly in this review, which offer the possibility to deliver cells, [16][17][18] drugs, [19][20][21][22] and mechanical support to the target site. [23][24][25] To maximize the targeted effect of the drugs encapsulated in hydrogel, the retention at the target site is of high importance. The efficacy of biomaterials (in combination with drugs) is often determined by examining indirect parameters such as the scar thickness, ejection fraction (EF), end-diastolic dimension (EDD), and fractional shortening (FS). [16,26,27] In contrast, only a limited amount of studies focus on the retention of the biomaterial in the heart. [28] It is important to establish a relation between the drug delivery system and attenuation of adverse remodeling or cardiac regeneration, which can give more insight into the amount-depending effectiveness of the delivery system. Additionally, examining and possibly increasing the retention of the therapeutic biomaterial at the target site could reduce possible off-target effects (Figure 1).Biomaterials that are commonly used for the attenuation of adverse remodeling or as regenerative treatment for myocardial infarction (MI), often have the capacity to release drugs in a sustained manner, providing strength and stability to the infarcted area, or mimic the extracellular matrix. Retention and redistribution of the injected biomaterials is a factor often overlooked, but...