A new mesophilic strain of Methanothrix, strain FE, was highly purified from the sludge of an anaerobic digester after enrichment on sodium acetate and is described. Strain FE was compared with other strains of Methanothrix, Methanothrix soehngenii strain OpfikonT (= DSM 2139T) (T = type strain) and Methanothrix concilii strain GP6T (= DSM 3671T). The differences within the strains were mainly related to their requirement for yeast extract. The three strains were found to be similar in their deoxyribonucleic acid guanine-plus-cytosine contents (50.2 to 52.6 mol %) and showed 100 % deoxyribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid homology. For these reasons we propose to recognize synonymy, reject the name Methanothrix concilii Patel 1985, 35223, and assign this organism to the species Methanothrix soehngenii Huser, Wuhrmann and Zehnder 1983, 33: 439.Methanothrix soehngenii was first isolated by serial dilution from a continuous culture on acetate starting from anaerobically digested sludge in Switzerland (17, 40; B. A.Huser, thesis, Eidgenossischen Teschnischen Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland, 1981). This bacterium was unique at that time among the methane bacteria because of its ability tlo split acetate into methane and carbon dioxide and its inability to use other methanogenic substrates, especially H,-C02. It was first described as a slow-growing bacterium with doubling times ranging from 5 to 8 days. This bacterium was positioned in the family Methanosarcinaceae by 16s ribosomal ribonucleic acid oligonucleotide sequencing (33). In 1984 (27), Patel described the isolation of Methanothrix concilii, which differed from Methanothrix soehngenii mainly by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) base composition and nutritional requirements. In this paper we characterize a new strain of Methanothrix, strain FE, and compare it with the two mesophilic type strains of the genus.
MATERIALS AND METHODSSources of strains. Strain FE was initially purified from the sludge of an industrial mesophilic anaerobic contact digester treating wastewaters from the vegetable-canning industry (39). Methanothrix soehngenii strain OpfikonT (= DSM 2139T) (T = type strain) and Methanothrix concilii strain CiP6T (= DSM 3671T) were obtained from the Deutsche Slammlung von Mikroorganismen, Gottingen, West Germany. All of the strains used for immunological studies were also obtained from the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen, except for Methanosarcina sp. strains CHTI55, MST-A1, and MC3, which were isolated in our laboratory, and Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus AZ and Methanosarcina barkeri MST, which were gifts from J. G. Zeikus.Media and culture conditions. Cultivation of methanogens was done on BCYT medium as previously described (37). The medium was buffered with 50 mM HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid) or PIPES [piperazine-l,4-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid)] unless otherwise indicated. The anaerobic gas was an N,-CO, mixture (85:15).
* Corresponding author.The sterile media were inoculated with 2% (vol/vol) portions of previo...