Goat milk is a prominent alternative to bovine milk, for having a great dietary and nutritional characteristic, particularly among nursing mothers and infants to alleviate milk allergy and other gastrointestinal problems (Zhou et al., 2014). Goat milk contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids that are quickly absorbed by the human body (Ravula & Ramachandra, 2016; Sousa et al., 2019). The functional properties and nutritional benefits of goat milk contribute to the expansion of the global goat milk market nationwide. Most infant milk formula manufacturers utilize goat milk powder due to its low allergenic effect (Zhou et al., 2014) and longer shelf-life. Meanwhile, fresh pasteurized goat milk is hardly available at the local supermarket. Hence, there is a dire need for further advancement of goat milk processing for the local goat milk industry with the ultimate aim to produce shelf-stable goat milk with minimal effects to its nutritive quality perusing alternative pasteurizing technology. Pasteurization is crucial to assure that the microbial load of goat milk is significantly reduced leading to the prolongation of its