Summary: This study aimed to investigate the expressions of secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (sFRP1) and b-catenin in cer vical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and to explore the relationship between both proteins and the prognosis of cervical cancer. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the protein expressions of sFRP1 and b-catenin in cervical cancer (n=78), CIN (n=30) and normal cervical tissues (n=20), and the relationships of sFRP1 and b-catenin with the clinicopathological charac teris tics and prognosis of cervical cancer were analyzed. The positive rate of sFRP1 was 100%, 70% and 33.3% in the normal cervical tissues, CIN and cervical cancer, respectively (P<0.05). The sFRP1 expression was positively correlated with the stage of cervical cancer and lymphatic metastasis (P<0.05). The 5-year survival rate was significantly higher in patients positive for sFRP1 than in those negative for sFRP1 (P<0.05). The rate of abnormal b-catenin expression in the normal cervical tissues, CIN and cervical cancer was 5%, 43.3% and 70.5%, respectively (P<0.05). The ab nor mal b-catenin expres sion was positively correlated with the stage of cervical cancer, lymphatic metastasis and patho lo gical grade (P<0.05). The 5-year survival rate was markedly higher in patients with normal b-catenin expression than in those with abnormal b-catenin expression (P<0.05). The sFRP1 expression was negatively related to the b-catenin expression in cervical cancer (r = -0.557, P<0.001). Both sFRP1 and b-catenin play important roles in the initiation and development of cervical cancer, and both proteins can be used as indicators predicting the prognosis of cervical cancer.Keywords: cervical cancer, secreted frizzled-related protein 1, b-catenin, immunohistochemistry, prognosis Kratak sadr`aj: U ovoj studiji ispitivana je ekspresija sFRP1 i b-katenina u karcinomu grli}a materice i cervikalnoj intraepitelnoj neoplaziji (CIN), kao i odnos izme|u ova dva proteina i prognoze u karcinomu grli}a materice. Imuno histohemijskim putem utvr|ena je ekspresija proteina sFRP1 i b-katenina u karcinomu grli}a materice (n=78), CIN (n=30) i zdravom cervikalnom tkivu (n=20). Analizirana je pove zanost sFRP1 i b-katenina sa klini~ko-patolo{kim karakteristikama i prognozom u karcinomu grli}a materice. Pozitivna stopa sFRP1 bila je 100%, 70% i 33,3% u zdravim cervikalnim tkivima, CIN i karcinomu grli}a materice (p<0,05). Ekspresija sFRP1 pozitivno je korelisala sa stadijumom karcinoma grli}a materice i limfnim metastazama (p<0,05). Stopa petogodi{njeg pre`ivljavanja bila je zna~ajno vi{a kod pacijenata pozitivnih na sFRP1 nego kod onih kod kojih je sFRP1 bio negativan (p<0,05). Stopa abnormalne ekspresije b-katenina u zdravim cervikalnim tkivima, CIN i karcinomu grli}a materice bila je 5%, 43,3% i 70,5% (p<0,05). Abnormalna ekspresija b-katenina bila je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa stadijumom karcinoma grli}a materice, limfnim metastazama i patolo{kim stepenom (p<0,05). Stopa petogodi{ njeg pre`ivljavanja bila je izrazito vi{a kod p...