The radial force balance equation has been widely used to derive radial electric field profiles from measurements of plasma rotation velocities with charge exchange spectroscopy ͑CXS͒.1-5 The preliminary study was done in Impurity Studies Experiment-B ͑ISX-B͒ 6 tokamak by using a heavy ion beam probe ͑HIBP͒ and passive spectroscopic measurements.7 Although the radial profiles of space potential were measured precisely, there was no radial profile of poloidal or toroidal rotation velocity because of the lack of charge exchange spectroscopy. Only the central toroidal rotation velocity was measured and the test of the radial force balance equation was crude. The measurements of the poloidal and toroidal flow of bulk and impurity ions in Doublet-IIID ͑D-IIID͒ 8 show that the deduced radial electric field derived from bulk ions using a radial force balance equation agrees well with that from impurity ions. 9 Although the agreement observed suggests the validity of the radial force balance equation, it was not conclusive because there was no direct measurement of the radial electric field with HIBP.The radial electric field profiles measured with charge exchange spectroscopy ͑CXS͒ are compared with those measured with the HIBP in the Compact Helical System ͑CHS͒.10 The comparison of the two radial electric fields measured with CXS and HIBP is considered to be a test of the radial force balance equation ͑1͒,In CHS, both poloidal and toroidal rotation velocity profiles as well as the ion temperature of fully ionized carbon are measured with charge exchange spectroscopy by using the heating neutral beam ͑NB͒ at the midplane of the vertically elongated poloidal cross section. The charge exchange spectroscopy consists of two sets of 30 channel poloidal array viewing the same plasma radii vertically with the opposite direction ͑viewing downward and viewing upward͒ in order to determine the Doppler shift precisely. The toroidal charge exchange spectroscopy system has a 16 channel toroidal array viewing the poloidal cross section same as that of the poloidal arrays. The time resolution of the CXS is 20 ms, which is determined by the frame rate of the intensified charge coupled device ͑ICCD͒ camera used as a detector. The space potential profiles are measured with a heavy ion beam probe ͑HIBP͒ along the beam path at a different poloidal cross section. The beam energy of the HIBP is 75 kV. The radial profiles of the space potential are obtained by scanning the heavy ion beam. Because space potential is constant on a magnetic flux surface, 11 the radial electric field profiles E r (), are obtained from the derivative of space potential along the CXS measurement points. The magnetic flux surface is calculated with a finite-beta three-dimension equilibrium code VMEC 12 based on the radial profiles of electron density temperature and ion temperature. The electron density and its profiles are measured with a scanning 3 chord far infrared ͑FIR͒ interferometer and a 24 point YAG Thomson scattering system.The plasma flow velocities and...