Aim: The study aims to investigate the risk factors of patients with femoral hernia as well as factors that affect the hospitalisation process, morbidity and mortality, particularly in terms of gender. Material and Methods: A total of 65 femoral hernia surgeries were performed in 29 Mayıs Public Hospitals between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2019. Six patients with incomplete or unclear data were excluded, and the data of 59 patients were analysed. Percentage and frequency were used for discrete variables, whereas mean and standard deviation for continuous variables. Student's t-test was used for independent variables according to the distribution status, whereas chi-square test was used for dichotomous variables, and the results for binary logistic regression were obtained. Results: Males were significantly more likely to have femoral hernia risk during old age [66.11years vs. 52.68 years (p=0.004), adjusted odds ratio (AOR): [0.87 (0.784, 0.969)(p= 0.011)]. In student's t-test, male patients had shorter length of hospital stay (LOS). Hovewer the p value was found 0.79. In the binary multiple logistic regression for LOS value; In terms of gender, body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), age and complications; P value was found as 0.07 and ; AOR was found 2.2. With this result; The females have got the more LOS value than men as statistichally, for p=0.1 value. Conclusion: Femoral hernia frequently occurs in women; however, we found that its higher incidence is also can be found in men during old age, and after surgery, men are generally discharged earlier than women.