The brain is an exceptionally complex system and understanding it's functional 2 organization is the goal of modern neuroscience. Using fMRI, large strides in 3 understanding this organization have been made by modeling the brain as a 4 graph-a mathematical construct describing the connections or interactions (i.e. 5 edges) between different discrete objects (i.e. nodes). To create these graphs, 6 nodes are defined as brain regions of interest (ROIs) and edges are defined as the 7 functional connectivity between those ROIs, computed as the pairwise correla-8 tions of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series, as illustrated 9 in Fig. 1. Traditional graph-based analyses for fMRI have focused on using graph 10 theoretical metrics to summarize the functional connectivity for each node into 11 a single number [45,23]. However, these methods do not consider higher-order 12 interactions between ROIs, as these interactions cannot be preserved in a sin-13 gle number. Additionally, due to the high dimensionality of fMRI data, usually 14 ROIs are clustered into highly connected communities to reduce dimensionality.
15Then, features are extracted from these smaller communities for further analysis 16 [31,12]. For these two-stage methods, if the results from the first stage are not 17 reliable, significant errors can be induced in the second stage.
18The past few years have seen the growing prevalence of the use of graph 19 neural networks (GNN) for end-to-end graph learning applications. GNNs are 20 the state-of-the-art deep learning methods for most graph-structured data anal-21 ysis problems. They combine node features, edge features, and graph structure 22 by using a neural network to embed node information and pass information 23 through edges in the graph. As such, they can be viewed as a generalization of 24 the traditional convolutional neural networks (CNN) for images. Due to their 25 high performance and interpretability, GNNs have been a widely applied graph 26 analysis method. [26,25,49,28,50]. Most existing GNNs are built on graphs that 27 do not have correspondence between the nodes of different instances, such as 28 social networks and protein networks, limiting interpretability. These methods
29-including the current GNN methods for fMRI analysis -use the same ker-30 nel over different nodes, which implicitly assumes brain graphs are translation 31 invariant. However, nodes in the same brain graph have distinct locations and 32 unique identities. Thus, applying the same kernel over all nodes is problematic.
33In addition, few GNN studies have explored both individual-level and group-level 34 explanations, which are critical in neuroimaging research.
35In this work, we propose a graph neural network-based framework for map-36 ping regional and cross-regional functional activation patterns for classification 37 tasks, such as classifying neurodisorder patients versus healthy control subjects 38 and performing cognitive task decoding. Our framework jointly learns ROI clus-39 tering and the downstr...