The extension of durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)areas in the Chelif plain in Algeria, which is subdivided into three parts, the high, middle and lower Chelif, it has resulted in the appearance of several bio-aggressors, the most dreaded of which are the cereal cyst nematodes Heteodera and the potato nematodes Globodera. The lower Chelif plain is characterized by high average electrical conductivity, pH and limestone content, however, the effect of soil physic-chemical parameters, in particular salinity, on the structure of the cyst nematode community is still poorly understood. The nematological analysis of 31 samples in durum wheat fields and 38 samples in potato fields and spread over the three (3) sectors of the Chelif plain allowed to conclude that these two types of nematodes are present in all sectors of the plain. The frequency of infestation of Globodera spp is total (100%) in the two sectors, the high and middle Chelif and about 50% in the lower Chelif. The frequency of infestation of the nematode Heterodera spp reaches 100% in the high Chelif, followed by the middle 90%, and finally the lower 50%. The statistical analysis shows significant correlations of the three soil parameters electrical conductivity, water content and total nitrogen with both types of nematodes. The correlation of electrical conductivity has a negative significance of about 77% with the frequency and degree of infestation of Globodera and 65% with the frequency and degree of infestation of Heterodera, Soil moisture and total nitrogen are positively correlated with both types of nematodes in Algeria Chelif plain.