Despite the advent
of sensitive and specific serologic testing,
routine screening for celiac disease (CD) in
diabetic populations may not be universal
practice, and many clinicians struggle to find
the optimal approach to managing CD in pediatric
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients. While some
clinicians advocate screening for CD in all
patients with T1D, others are unsure whether
this is warranted. The diagnosis of patients who
present with symptomatic CD, including
malabsorption and obvious pathology upon biopsy,
remains straightforward, with improvements noted
on a gluten-free diet. Many patients identified
by screening, however, tend to be asymptomatic.
Evidence is inconclusive as to whether the
benefits of screening and potentially treating
asymptomatic individuals outweigh the harms of
managing a population already burdened with a
serious illness. This review focuses on current
knowledge of CD in children and youth with T1D,
highlighting important elements of the
disease's pathophysiology, epidemiology,
clinical presentation, and diagnostic