The detection of travel-associated legionellosis can be extremely difficult; hence, an extensive case investigation is recommended in pneumonia-striken travellers and tourists, who are particularly at risk of acquiring the disease. On the Island of Ischia (Isola d'Ischia, Naples, Italy) a total of six cases of Legionnaires' disease occurred from 1986 to 1990. All patients (one man and two women from Germany, one Austrian woman, one Swiss man, and one Italian woman) had taken thermal baths and stayed in local hotels; they all experienced severe pneumonia, and three of them died. These cases were associated with hotels, and the hot-water supply was presumed to have transmitted the infection. Remedial procedures were applied to the hot-water plumbing of the hotels according to the WHO recommendations and were proved to be effective. The occurrences described in this paper stress the importance of rapid and accurate reporting of diagnosed cases to the country where the infection was probably acquired, in order to ensure early detection of endemic foci and emerging clusters of legionellosis.