The genome structure and organization of endogenous caulimovirus sequences from dahlia (Dahlia spp), dahlia mosaic virus (DMV)-D10 from three wild species, D. coccinea (D10-DC), D. sherffii (D10-DS) and D. tenuicaulis (D10-DT), were determined and compared to those from cultivated species of dahlia, D. variabilis (DvEPRS). The complete ca. 7-kb dsDNA genomes of D10-DC, D10-DS, and D10-DT had a structure and organization typical of a caulimovirus and shared 89.3 to 96.6% amino acid sequence identity in various open reading frames (ORF) when compared to DvEPRS. The absence of the aphid transmission factor and the truncated coat protein fused with the reverse transcriptase ORF were common among these DMV-D10 isolates from wild Dahlia species.