Acupuncture, an increasingly popular alternative medical therapy, has heightened the demand for information on its safety profile. This is a case report involving a 28‐year‐old female who presented with intense right‐sided chest pain and breathlessness after an acupuncture session where needles were inserted into her chest wall. The immediate medical evaluation revealed a tension pneumothorax with radiographic evidence of a mediastinal shift, compelling, urgent intervention via chest tube insertion. The patient's symptoms persisted for 2 days before the pneumothorax diminished, facilitating the removal of the chest tube. This case emphasizes the atypical presentation of pneumothorax after acupuncture, suggesting a delayed onset of symptoms possibly related to the size of the bronchopleural fistula formed by the acupuncture needle. While acupuncture‐related adverse events are uncommon, serious life‐threatening complications like tension pneumothorax underscore the necessity for rigorous safety standards. Amidst the growing popularity of acupuncture, this report urges healthcare professionals to be aware of and report such incidents for enhanced patient education and safety.Trial Registration: This is not an interventional study. We only reported the patient's findings from our database as a case report