The classification of conditions originating in the perinatal period, leading to the International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision (ICD-9), codes for diseases and disorders, are likely to catch patients off guard.Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are not disease states and are usually normal, natural events in the lives of childbearing women. Otherwise healthy women and their families expect (as they should, given the statistics) that all stages will occur without problems, although not without some effort and discomfort. Therefore, in the minority of cases in which perinatal events do seriously affect the outcome of the newborn infant, women and their families experience a generally unanticipated crisis that may center around a critically ill neonate or a long-term illness or disability. Health psychologists can be helpful to families through research on best practices, by providing assessments and interventions for neonates and through support and counseling during and after the family's crisis.This chapter provides an overview of some of the most common maternal conditions associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. A few neonatal problem areas in which health psychologists can be most helpful to 483