Cellular and subcellular metabolic activities are crucial processes involved in the regulation of intracellular homeostasis, including cellular and subcellular signaling pathways.
Dysregulation of intracellular regulation mechanisms is catastrophic and cumulates into cell
death. To overcome the issue of dysregulation of intracellular regulation mechanisms, the
preservation of subcellular and extracellular components is essential to maintain healthy cells
with increased longevity. Several physiopathological changes occur during cell ageing, one of
which is the dysregulation of intracellular physiology of the oxidative phosphorylation process.
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) remains in the debut of anti-aging therapeutic effect.
Aged myocardiocyte characterized by disrupted NMN and or its precursors or signaling pathways. Simultaneously, several other pathophysiological occur that collectively impair intracellular homeostasis. The NMN role in the antiaging effect remains unclear and several hypotheses
have been introduced into describing the mechanism and the potential outcomes from NMN exogenous supply. Correction of the impaired intracellular homeostasis includes correction to the
NMN metabolism. Additionally, autophagy correction, which is the key element in the regulation of intracellular intoxication, including oxidative stress, unfolding protein response, and other
degradation of intracellular metabolites. Several signaling pathways are involved in the regulation mechanism of NMN effects on myocardiocyte health and further longevity. NMN protects
myocardiocytes from ischemic injury by reducing anabolism and, increasing catabolism and further passing the myocardiocytes into dormant status. NMN applications include ischemic heart,
disease, and failed heart, as well as dilated cardiomyopathies. Cytosolic and mitochondrial
NADPH are independently functioning and regulating. Each of these plays a role in the determination of the longevity of the myocardiocytes. NMN has a cornerstone in the functionality of
Sirtuins, which are an essential anti-senescent intrinsic molecule. The study aims to assess the
role of NMN in the longevity and antisenescent of myocardiocytes.