The aim of this study was to identify the care needs of male patients with vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and their caregivers. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 389 male patients with VCI and their caregivers who were cared for by the dementia collaborative care team at Changhua Christian Hospital, Taiwan. Fifteen care needs consisting of most of quality measures for people living with dementia and their caregivers were developed by the care team. Through face-to-face evaluations, individualized care needs were collected. The Apriori algorithm was used to identify care bundles for the patients and their caregivers. Results: Six basic care needs for patients and their caregivers were identified, including appropriate schedule of activities, regular outpatient follow-up treatment, introduction and referral of social resources, referral to family support groups and care skills training, care for the mood of the caregiver, and health education for dementia and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Compared to subjects with all dementia subtypes from the previous studies, care for the mood of the caregiver was an important and frequent care need for the male patients with VCI and their caregivers. A comparison among the study and similar studies was made to highlight the strength of this study concentrating on the precise selection of care needs. Conclusion: Collaborative dementia care teams should monitor for caregivers' depression and include this care need into the care bundle when assessing male subjects with VCI. Keywords: male patients with vascular cognitive impairment, people living with dementia, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, dementia collaborative care model, care need, Apriori algorithm