The point-plane incidence theorem states that the number of incidences between n points and m ≥ n planes in the projective three-space over a field F , iswhere k is the maximum number of collinear points, with the extra condition n < p 2 if F has characteristic p > 0. This theorem also underlies a state-of-the-art Szemerédi-Trotter type bound for point-line incidences in F 2 , due to Stevens and de Zeeuw. This review focuses on some recent, as well as new, applications of these bounds that lead to progress in several open geometric questions in F d , for d = 2, 3, 4. These are the problem of the minimum number of distinct nonzero values of a non-degenerate bilinear form on a point set in d = 2, the analogue of the Erdős distinct distance problem in d = 2, 3 and additive energy estimates for sets, supported on a paraboloid and sphere in d = 3, 4. It avoids discussing sum-product type problems (corresponding to the special case of incidences with Cartesian products), which have lately received more attention.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 68R05,11B75.1 the folklore that the proof should work, with some constraints, over a general field. The first "official" account of this was given by Ellenberg and Hablicsek [16] in late 2013, followed by Kollár [28] and the author [39] in 2014. The latter two had been aware of a 2003 paper by Voloch [50], which discussed the constraints under which the key element of the First Guth-Katz theorem proof, the Monge-Salmon theorem [42], applied in positive characteristic.Theorem 2 (First Guth-Katz theorem). Let L be a set of lines in C 3 . Suppose, no more then two lines are concurrent. Then the number of pair-wise intersections of lines in L is O |L| 3 2 + |L|k ,