The article analyzes those aspects of the university digitalization process that create difficulties for the implementation of its complex mission. Among them are a decrease in the influence of the teacher's personality on the emerging researcher or professional practitioner, the loss of creative and critical components from the learning process at the university, the erosion of the academic freedom of the university teacher, the fragmentation and hierarchization of the academic community, the tendency towards the division of universities into universities of the first and second "varieties" with the subsequent "ossification" of this division. The author of the article believes that none of the listed difficulties is fatal, although each of them should be the subject of attention of the developers of a morally grounded educational policy of the state and active "academic citizens" within the universities themselves. According to the author of the article, in the process of properly oriented and controlled by the academic community, digitalization of the university will significantly change some of the professional and ethical practices of its employees and the body of its ethical documents: declarations, codes, codes of practice, etc. These changes will affect the requirements for communication between the teacher and students in the "online classroom", the rules of collective work on the creation of massive online courses, new forms of ensuring respect for diversity, the use of educational analytics and electronic systems to maintain academic integrity.