The host ability of the wheel-and-axle compound, 1,4-bis-(diphenylhydroxymethyl)benzene H, was extensively investigated in pure pyridine (PYR), 2-methylpyridine (2MP), 3-methylpyridine (3MP), and 4methylpyridine (4MP) guest pyridines; each one was enclathrated with 1:2 H/G ratios. H was then presented with mixed guest solvents, both equimolar and binary non-equimolar solutions, and it was observed that this host compound possesses the ability to separate or purify a great number of these various mixtures. The selectivity of H was demonstrated to be significantly in favor of PYR and 4MP dependent on the type and amount of each guest present in the solution. The crystal structures of the four single-solvent complexes were obtained by employing SCXRD analyses, which also assisted in understanding the host selectivity behavior in these mixed solvents. Hirshfeld surface investigations demonstrated that the preferred guest species, PYR and 4MP, experienced a greater percentage of (guest)N•••H−O(host) interactions than was observed for the guests less preferred (2MP and 3MP). Finally, data from thermal analyses concurred with some, but not all, of the observations made from the mixed guest solvent competition experiments.