Ion exchange resins (IERs) are widely used by the nuclear industry to decontaminate radioactive effluents. After use, they are usually stabilized and solidified by encapsulation in cementitious materials. However, for certain combinations of cement and resins, the solidified waste forms can exhibit strong expansion, possibly leading to cracking of the matrix. In this work, the behaviour of cationic resins in the Na + form is investigated in Portland cement (CEM I) or blast furnace slag cement (CEM III/C) pastes at early age in order to have a better understanding of the swelling process. The results show that during the hydration of the CEM I paste, the resins exhibit a transient expansion of small magnitude due to the decrease in the osmotic pressure of the pore solution. This expansion, also observed with C 3 S pastes containing similar IERs, occurs just after setting and is sufficient to damage the material which is poorly consolidated. In the CEM III/C paste, expansion of the resins occurs before the end of setting and only induces limited stress in the matrix which is still plastic.