The influence of nuclear effects on the transverse momentum (p T ) distributions of neutrinoproduced hadrons is investigated using the data obtained with SKAT propanefreon bubble chamber irradiated in the neutrino beam (with E ν = 3-30 GeV) at Serpukhov accelerator. Dependences of < p 2 T > on the kinematical variables of inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and of the produced hadrons are measured. It has been observed, that the nuclear effects cause an enhancement of < p 2 T > of hadrons (more pronounced for the positively charged ones) produced in the target fragmentation region at low invariant mass of the hadronic system (2 < W < 4 GeV) or at low energies transferred to the current quark (2 < ν < 9 GeV). At higher W or ν, no influence of nuclear effects on < p 2 T > is observed. Measurement results are compared with predictions of a simple model, incorporating secondary intranuclear interactions of hadrons (with a formation length extracted from the Lund fragmentation model), which qualitatively reproduces the main features of the data.