The inclusion approach is one of the most effective ways of integrating students with special needs into society. According to Kuwaiti regulations, both public and private schools must increase quality services to assist students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. Although the inclusion approach is mandatory in Kuwait, schools have encountered barriers to its implementation. Therefore, there were three key goals to this research: (a) to identify challenges of the implementation of inclusion approaches that face private primary school administrators in Kuwait, (b) to identify how inclusion practices are implemented by administrators, teachers, and counselors in private Kuwaiti primary schools, and (c) to identify the differences in the implementation practices of inclusion between two private primary schools in Kuwait. The findings revealed that the two schools faced six similar challenges, and three that differed. The obstacles the two schools had in common included: (1) parental issues, (2) academic barriers, (3) a lack of specialist teachers, (4) gaps in communication, (5) modification and accommodation matters, and (6) financial issues. The three that differed for the first school were: (1) low expectations, (2) the large number of students with LD, and (3) policy issues, while for the second school they were: (1) time management, (2) disciplinary issues, (3) systemic problems. Six key methods for implementing the inclusion approach were revealed. Four were common to both schools and two were different. The four in common were: (1) learning styles, (2) collaboration, (3) communication, and (4) preparation. The two seen solely in the first school were: (1) CHAPTER I