Abstract. Measurements at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory have revealed strong modification of the jet structure in high-energy heavyion collisions, which can be attributed to the interaction of hard scattered partons with the hot and dense QCD matter. The study of heavy-quark (charm and bottom) production in such collisions provides key tests of parton energy-loss models and, thus, yields profound insight into the properties of the produced matter. The high-p T yield of heavy-flavor decay electrons exhibits an unexpected large suppression. Since those single electrons have contributions from charm and bottom decays an experimental method is needed to investigate them separately. Heavyflavor particle correlations provide information about the underlying production mechanism. In this contribution, a review on recent measurements on azimuthal correlations of single electrons and open charmed mesons at RHIC and perspectives of such measurements at the CERN-Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented. Moreover, it has been shown that next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD processes, such as gluon splitting, become important at LHC energies. It will be demonstrated how this contribution can be determined through the measurement of the charm content in jets.
IntroductionThe energy loss of partons is predicted to be a sensitive probe of the QCD matter created in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions since its magnitude depends strongly on the color charge density of the matter traversed [1,2]. In particular, the understanding of the flavor dependent coupling of quarks and the modification of their fragmentation function give essential information on the properties of the hot QCD matter produced in such collisions [3,4]. Due to their large mass (m > 1.2 GeV/c 2 ), heavy quarks are believed to be produced predominantly in hard scattering processes in the early stage of the collision and, therefore, probe the complete space-time evolution of the expanding medium and their yields are sensitive to the initial gluon density [5]. Heavy-quark production by initial state gluon fusion also dominates in heavy-ion collisions where many, in part overlapping nucleon-nucleon collisions occur. It has been shown that charm production in the QCD medium might be significant at LHC energies [6]. The penetrating power of heavy quarks is much higher than for light quarks, providing a sensitive probe of the matter. Theoretical models based on perturbative QCD predict that the energy loss of heavy quarks in the medium is expected to be smaller compared to light-quarks and gluons due to the mass dependent suppression of the gluon radiation at small angles, the so-called dead-cone effect [7,8].