This study aims to establish the directions for the optimal nutrient contents determined by soil and leaf analyses. The study is to be used as a source for basic information in investigating the effects of nutritional environment on ginseng growth at the fields of Ansung region in Gyeonggi province. The physical property of soil porosity is closely related to ginseng growth, with more than 50% of good growth in the field. The optimal range of chemical properties in soil was analyzed as 0.20-0.28% T-N, 500-900 mg/kg Av.P 2 O 5 , and 2.3-3.5 cmol + /kg Exch.Ca. The optimal range of inorganic nutrient contents in leaves was also analyzed. P value was less than 0.25%, and Mg was more than 0.22%. Other elements were not found clearly. The ratios of N/P, N/Mg, K/Mg, and Ca/P of leaves with good growth in the field showed 10<, 10-13, <14, 1<, respectively. In addition, the Ca:Mg:K ratio of the Exch.cation (cmol + /kg) may be useful as an indicator in the assessment of plant growth in ginseng.