is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.This is an author-deposited version published in: Handle ID: . cite this version :V. OBORIN, M. BANNIKOV, O. NAIMARK, Thierry PALIN-LUC -Scaling invariance of fatigue crack growth in gigacycle loading regime -Tech. Phys. Lett. -Vol. 36, n°11, p.1061-1063 -2010 Any correspondence concerning this service should be sent to the repository Administrator : archiveouverte@ensam.euThe task of assessing the working resource of important structures, in particular, those for aircraft engines, poses qualitatively new basic problem related to evaluation of the reliability of materials under con ditions of cyclic loading in excess of 10 6 -10 10 cycles, which refer to the field of so called gigacycle fatigue. This interest is related to the fact that the resource of loading for many important parts operating under conditions of cyclic loading exceeds the so called multicycle range. the behavior of materials in the range of gigacycle fatigue reveals some qualitative changes in the laws governing both the nucleation of cracks (in the bulk of a sample) and their propagation, which are related to changes in the mechanisms of fatigue crack nucleation and propagation. In the range of gigacycle loading, the fatigue curve exhibits discon tinuities and the behavior shows evidence of a signifi cant increase in the role of environment, so that the problem acquires an interdisciplinary character.The stages of material fracture in the range of giga cycle loading are classified based on the structural signs of damage related to a broad spectrum of spatial scales, including persistent slip bands (PSBs), fatigue striations, microcracks (formed as a result of PSB crossing), and grain boundary defects. The main damage refers to the defect scales within 0.1 μm-1 mm, which are significantly smaller than those detected by the standard methods of nondestructive testing used for the conventional monitoring of reli ability, in particular, during the exploitation of build ings.An effective method for investigating the role of initial structural heterogeneity, monitoring the accu mulation of defects on various scales (dislocation ensembles, micropores, microcracks), and determin ing critical conditions for the transition from dispersed to macroscopic fracture is offered by the quantitative fractography. This technique reveals the characteristic stages of fracture (crack nucleation and propagation), thus providing a base for evaluating the temporal resource of materials and structures under conditions of gigacycle loading.The approach to characterization of the fracture surface morphology in terms of spatiotemporal invari ants was originally proposed by Mandelbrot [1]. This method is based on an analysis of the relief of a frac ture surface, which exhibits the property of self affin ity as manifested by the invariant characteristics of the surrace re...