Information security dominate the world. All the time we connect to the internet for social media, banking, and online shopping through various applications. Our priceless data may be hacked by attackers. There is a necessity for a better encryption method to enhance information security. The distinctive features of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in particular the key atomity, speedy ciphering and preserving bandwidth captivating its use in multimedia encipher. An encryption method is proposed by incorporating ECC, Secure Hash Algorithm – 256 (SHA-256), Arnold transform, and hyperchaos. Randomly generated salt values are concatenated with each pixel of an image. SHA-256 hash is imposed which produces a hash value of 32-bit, later used to generate the key in ECC. Stronger ciphering is done by applying Arnold’s transformation and hyperchaos thereby achieved more randomness in image. Simulation outcomes and analysis show that the proposed approach provides more confidentiality for color images.