This paper presents a review of recent study that investigates the level of spiritual competence among registered counselors in Malaysia. This study also examined the different levels of spiritual competence based on demographic factors such as gender, age, religion, ethnicity, educational level and tenure approval. A descriptive survey was conducted by administering questionnaires which was translated from the original survey of "the spiritual competency scale" by Young, Cashwell, Wiggins-Frame and Belaire (2002). A total of 240 registered counselors participated in this study. Results suggest that the majority of the counselors surveyed have a moderate level of spiritual competence with a mean of 3.64. In terms of differences in the level of spiritual competence, this study found no significant differences based on gender, age, education level and years of service. Only the religious and ethnicity factors have a significant difference in the levels of counselors' spiritual competence. Furthermore, with the findings obtained, some suggestions have been made. Keywords: spiritual competence, registered counselors 1. Introduction
Spiritual CompetenceSpiritual and religious aspect is a major component to be considered by the counselor to understand the issues or the problems raised by clients. These components are almost absence in counseling services even though the acceptance of spiritual elements in counseling had occurred during the transition period between these two theorists by the name of Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud. Adler emphasizes on the approach of spiritual holism in order to comprehend clients' needs and problems in which will also lead to behavioural changes (Mohamed, 2005).Spiritual and religious components begin to be given serious consideration in the mid-1990s when a conference on spiritual issues and religion held in 1995 which lead to the existence of nine aspects associated with the counselor's ability to integrate spiritual and religion in counseling session (Miller, 1999). Lemkuil (2007) defined spiritual competence as the ability of the counselor to integrate understanding of religion in counseling process and it is based upon counselor's own belief towards their own ability or level of spiritual competence they possess.Spiritual competencies that have been outlined are as follows: 1) A counselor should be able to explain the relationship between religion and spirituality, including similarities and differences.2) A counselor should be able to describe religious and spiritual beliefs and practices in a cultural context.3) A counselor should be able to engage in self-exploration of his/her religious and spiritual beliefs in order to increase sensitivity, understanding and acceptance of his/her belief system. 4) A counselor should be able to describe one's religious and/or spiritual belief system and explain various models of religious/spiritual development across the lifespan. 5) A counselor should be able to demonstrate sensitivity to and acceptance of a variety of religions and/...