Stock prices are characterized by non-stationarity and volatility, and investors are easily influenced by their own emotions, and their investment decision-making behavior is characterized by irrationality, so stock prices are difficult to predict. This paper proposes a stock price prediction method based on generative adversarial network combining sentiment factors with financial data. The method is based on the GAN algorithm, which better matches the logic behind the operation of the stock market, and introduces the text branch to realize the sentiment analysis of the text of the research report, which provides the public opinion influence factor for the algorithmic model, and proposes the TK-GAN model. The model combines financial data with sentiment factors to reduce the error of model training, and introduces Soft Attention to improve the learning ability of stock-related data features. In addition, the TK-GAN model utilizes BERT for financial domain fine-tuning in the text branch to increase the model's suitability for specific financial domains. Based on the TK-GAN model, AdamK, a learning rate adaptive optimization algorithm, which is more suitable for this research, is proposed.