The scanty knowledge of the mechanisms of synthesis and degradation of antibody is reviewed 'as an appropriate introduction to the wide range of interests covered in this symposium. As data accumulate, most of them fall in line with the findings on other proteins in mammals and microorganisms. These similarities will be stressed.
STABILITY O F THE ANTIBODY MOLECULEAfter antibody appears in the serum, it undergoes a constant degradation into its component amino acids, which in turn become available f o r the synthesis of more antibody and of other proteins. Thus, at the organismal level, the synthesis and degradation of antibody are a part of the dynamic equilibrium between anabolism and catabolism of body proteins. I n ,marked contrast, as long as the antibody molecule retains its specific immunological reactivity, it is chemically stable to the extent that its amino acids and certain of its constituent atoms are not in a dynamic state with similar amino acids or atoms in other compounds of the host. The first of these characteristics is important in the dynamics of the rise and fall of antibody during immunization and the second one is vital in interpreting some of the data obtained with isotopically labeled antibody.